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Trademark Office India

Vast and fast progressive economy of India is one of the major and most influential economies of the whole world. Hence, the trademark offices in India are highly well-developed, cover an amazingly high and huge number of trademark registrations every year, and flawlessly perform all regulatory activities in strict compliance with the federal trademark law of India, and most of the globally recognized international trademark treaties and conventions, in order to support and promote worldwide businesses in diverse economic sectors and protect the legitimate trademark rights of Indian and foreign entities in all across India. Our this article is written to provide complete and highly enlightening information about the trademark offices in India, with a view to help Indian and foreign entities in acquiring proper and perfect registration of their trademarks and service marks in any desired part of India.

Since India is a vast country, there are established a total of five zonal trademark offices in places all across the whole country. Every regional trademark office in india is made responsible for guiding and supervising trademark registrations of all entities located in its well-defined jurisdictional area, and also for regulating the trademark rights and commercial uses of the registered trademarks. These trademark offices are setup in major and well-connected cities of Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad; the trademark office in Kolkata being the head trademark office of India, all other are the branch offices. These trademark offices of India act in proper accordance with the rules and regulations described in the new Trade Marks Act, 1999; and the Trade Marks Rules, 2002 of India. Each of these regional trademark offices has an extensive coverage area that encompasses several other surrounding States and Union Territories, besides the State it is situated in. For example, the jurisdictional coverage of the zonal and branch trademark office located in New Delhi includes companies and firms established in the State of Delhi (NCT of Delhi), Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, and the UT of Chandigarh.

Our full-fledged and fast progressing law firm well-established in India, has been extending superb legal services in all areas of the law for service to entities located in countries worldwide. Our services are exclusively much more popular and preferred in India by Indian and foreign companies, essentially including impeccable legal services for trademarks and service marks in all economic sectors. Our broad range of services for trademarks covers trademark registrations, trademark oppositions, trademark renewals, trademark monitoring and watch, trademark prosecutions, and trademark infringement litigation, which are expertly offered in all across India and the entire world.

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