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Trademark Registration Chandigarh

Trim and alluringly beautiful city Chandigarh is famous and reputed all across India, owing to its high human development index and huge per capital income. It is also quite prominent for its well-developed and fast progressing industries in certain economic fields, refined architectural designs, and well-planned infrastructure. Therefore, our well-developed and worldwide reputed law firm located in India, has been extending the full extent of legal services to people, companies, industries, and firms established in all across Chandigarh. Prompt and decent services for trademark registration chandigarh, are highly important amidst our these expert services provided in countries situated worldwide. Our rich and refined article is offering information only about ours trademark services chandigarh.

Glorious capital of two highly developed and prosperous States of India, Chandigarh has well-established companies and industries in the fields of basic metals and alloys, electrical appliances, manufacturing, engineering and technology, pharmaceuticals, auto components, machine tools and equipments, information technology, paper manufacturing, food and fruit processing, sanitary ware, education and research, tourism, hospitality, banking, finance, insurance, and services. Trademarks and service marks belonging to these fast progressing economic fields of Chandigarh, are well-served by ours tm services chandigarh, for the national and worldwide registrations of these.

For carrying out businesses in Chandigarh and all across India, trademarks and service marks owned by entities located in Chandigarh are registered under the new Trade Marks Act, 1999 of India, with vital support of the regional trademark office situated in New Delhi. And, for the purpose of extending their businesses to the desired foreign countries worldwide, they need to register their trademarks and service marks under the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne Convention, and the European Community Trademark. Trademark lawyers and litigators of ours globally renowned law firm are well-versed in escorting international trademark registrations for service to companies and firms located in countries worldwide, in addition to the national-level trademark registrations as per the trademark law of individual countries. Besides tm registration chandigarh, ours other services concerned with trademarks and service marks belonging to various occupational fields of Chandigarh, are trademark oppositions, trademark watch and monitoring, trademark renewals, trademark consultations, trademark prosecutions, and trademark infringement litigation.

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