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Trademark Registration Noida

Well-established in very proximity of Delhi (about 20 Km southeast of it), Noida is now an internationally famous industrial city of India, with ultra-modern and world-class infrastructure and amenities. NOIDA is an acronym whose full form is New Okhla Industrial Development Authority. Today, this highly progressive industrial city located in the Gautam Buddha Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh, is a highly cherished and preferred destination in India for industrial, commercial, and professional establishments by national and multinational business corporations engaged in diverse economic fields. Hence, Noida has been a preferred and glamorous city for receiving ours whole gamut of legal services related with all areas and streams of the law, for over a decade. Ours superb and brisk services for trademark registration noida, are constitutional part of these legal services. In this article, comprehensive and greatly profitable information about ours these trademark services in Noida is being presented. Here, it may also be noted that ours fast progressive law firm located in India is now globally prominent for its world-class and responsible legal services.

Thriving and glamorous city of Noida is progressing fast in the major and significant economic sectors of manufacturing, industry and commerce, profession, and service. Its myriads of companies, industries, and firms are related with information technology, automotive, electronics, manufacturing, advertising, media, entertainment, leisure and hospitality, education, engineering and technology, FMCG, and other fields. All kinds of trademarks and service marks related with these booming fields are handled expertly by our trademark services noida. As there are numerous companies and firms of Noida engaged in international and worldwide businesses, we also provide services for international trademark registrations, in addition to the national-level trademark registrations.

The zonal trademark office located in New Delhi is contacted for tm registration noida, which is fully competent also for registering the trademarks of entities located in Noida, and regulating the trademark rights of these entities, as per the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002 of India. And, for doing international and worldwide businesses, entities of Noida are required to register their trademarks and service marks under TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. All activities and works involved in the process of registration under both these categories, are proficiently and responsibly done by ours popular tm services noida.

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