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Trademark Registration Rajasthan

The largest State of India in terms of land area, occupying over 10% of the total land area of the whole country, historic Rajasthan is famous worldwide, by virtue of several striking reasons mentioned below. Therefore, providing superb and economical legal services in all areas and streams of the law in all across Rajasthan have been cherished by ours globally reputed law firm based in India. For a long time, ours diverse legal services have been utilized quite profitably by companies and firms located in Rajasthan, for their faster and securer progress and growth in their respective economic fields. Our swift but perfect services for trademark registration rajasthan, form a significant part of these services, which are being discussed in this particular article.

Our decent and popular trademark services in rajasthan, are available for its all well-established and rising economic fields. The most significant among these commercial, industrial, professional, and service fields are agriculture and agro-based industries, mineral-based industries, tourism and hospitality, information technology, business outsourcing, textile industries, marble and sandstones, gold and diamond jewelry, gemstones and costume jewelry, handicrafts, cement, chemicals, ferrous and non-ferrous castings, light to heavy steel fabrication, PVC products, electrical equipments, and other emerging fields. All different varieties of trademarks and service marks created by companies, industries, firms, and service organizations in these fast progressive economic fields of Rajasthan are served impeccably through ours tm registration rajasthan, at national and worldwide levels.

Trademarks and services marks related with entities located in Rajasthan are made registered with the help of the provincial trademark office situated in Ahmedabad, as per the rules and regulations given in the new Trade marks Act, 1999 of India. In addition to these national-level registrations, our reliable and reasonably-charged tm services rajasthan, are also quite prominent and popular in all across Rajasthan, for splendid international and worldwide trademark registrations under the TRIPS Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Berne Convention, and the European Community Trademark. Well-versed are ours trademark lawyers in supporting and guiding these both varieties of trademark registrations in India and other relevant foreign countries located anywhere in the whole world. Our other reputed and popular services for for trademarks and service marks belonging to various economic sectors are trademark oppositions, trademark renewals, trademark watch, trademark prosecution services, trademark consultations, and trademark infringement litigation, delivered in all across India and the whole world excellently.

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